Monday, September 8, 2014

PRJF02 - Welcome to the Jungle, Part 2

Welcome to the Jungle, Part 2

- Boring font choice is boring.

- Too drawn out morphing call is too drawn out.

- Jungle BOOM. Seriously? Even in a fucking martial arts season?

- It was nice of Casey to announce his backflip.

- “Jungle Fury, Red Ranger!” That’s an odd thing to yell after defeating someone…

- I am just so insanely not a fan of this premiere so far. The pacing is really weird, the writing is dodgy, and the acting is just… eh. Everything feels so rushed and forced.

- …Why did Camille have to transform after hearing Mantor’s plan?

- Hi again, obviously not Theo.

- No matter how effective they can be, I will always find nunchaku to be extremely silly.

- Oh, that’s why Camille had to transform. Okay, but why split the scene up like that?

- Aw, Fran is a super sad character.

- Unlike the Rock-Porium, at least RJ gets a steady amount of customers so I can buy that he can afford to hire more people.

- I don’t think the rock explosion was necessary for the training sequence.

- Aljin reminds me of Archie Kao, but without the charm.


- The Power Rangers universe has got to be the most expensive fictional world to repair.

- Someone tell Anna Hutchison to stop sucking on that helium.

- It may be too early for a proper aesthetic assessment, but these fight scenes are just fucking wonderful. They’re replacing great Gekiranger fights but doing it in a way that works, without all the stupid slo-mo and explosions. Just legitimate good choreography and great angles to work with. The suits are also really nice, a unique addition to the universe, and the villain designs are some of my favorites.

- And then we get to another stupid fucking CGI attack sequence.

- On one hand, I feel like the team merely needing to be in balance to use the megazord power is good enough, and on the other hand I feel like they should have had to work for it a bit more.

- Also, the megazord? Goddamn gorgeous.

- Oh no… Not this… Not Flit! Just… fucking leave Kelson Henderson out of my seasons, seriously.

- Why do we need a fucking megazord commentator? Seriously!? I know it was in Gekiranger but they could have easily chosen to not use it. It’s just such a fucking distraction and just totally takes me out of an otherwise great fight. And megazord fights are rarely good anymore, so when you ruin one that is… Shame on you.

- The Savage Spin would be cooler if we saw it actually make contact with the monster.

- Thank you so much for shutting that little bastard up.

- Oh look, Dai-Shi is Jarrod! They… actually kept that hidden fairly well.

PRJF01 - Welcome to the Jungle, Part 1

Welcome to the Jungle, Part 1 

- The Jungle Fury theme song may not be a masterpiece but damn it is catchy.

- “We’ve been sitting here since last night.” I… did you eat!?

- In some shots it’s raining and in others it’s not…

- Calm down Theo, Meteor you ain’t.

- I feel like using your spirit animal in a fight like this should be cheating.

- Damnit, we finally get a Jared in Power Rangers and they spell it the stupid way.

- That whole scene between Casey and Jarrod happened way too fast.

- It’s being implied here that Jarrod has had problems like this before… so why wait until now to expel him? Hell, why even put him in the running to protect the planet if he’s such an asshole?

- Also, had Casey not been chosen in Jarrod’s place, would he still have been the red ranger, or would he have been a black ranger?

- “They were able to seal the Dai Shi in this box that we for some fucking reason never sealed."

- So it’s the Forbidden Room and Jarrod can just walk into it? Pai Zhuq sucks at security.

- Maybe Master Mao should have put down the box before he started fighting Jarrod.

- …Mao gets thrown to the ground and suddenly he’s dead? This premiere sucks so far. It’s way too rushed and nothing is being properly explained. We’re supposed to feel sorry for these kids even though we know fucking nothing about them.

- If he was a better actor, I’d think Jarrod was played by Benedict Cumberbuns.

- …Wow, these teens are racist as fuck.


- Hi, LeeLee! Hopefully you’re less annoying this season.

- Camille just stood against that wall for ten-thousand years?

- Okay, wait… is Lily implying that she and Theo lived at a school on a mountaintop?

- I’m getting really tired of the recent trend of the red ranger joining last because of –insert reason here–.

- Wow someone please make Fran go away.

- …RJ just had three uniforms sitting around?

- Solar Morphers. Mother. Fucking. Solar. Morphers. Fuck this.

- And our first big explosion for the season is used on a goddamn walking shot.

- The morphing sequence is nice but it would be a lot better if it wasn’t so obviously NOT FUCKING THEO.

- That was actually a pretty awesome first fight scene.

- You think Casey knows he couldn’t morph because he got the morphing call wrong?