Friday, August 22, 2014

A change in the status quo?

I've been at this for almost a year now. I posted my first review to my friends on Facebook in late August of 2013 and posted my first review publicly to Rangerboard on September 13th. So by the time I begin Jungle Fury on September 8th of this year, I'll be just shy of a year. But I'll save all of that heartfelt "thank you" mumbo-jumbo for a post on the 13th of this year.

My point is that it's been a while, and for a year I've been doing these reviews the exact same way. So lately I've been debating if a change is in the cards and I've decided it might be the best direction to go, just to shake things up a little bit. So let's go over what's going to be changing here soon.

The way I had been doing retrospectives before was very, very tasking. Granted, I could crank one out in a day but it was still a lot of hard work. The process was as follows; re-read through every. single. review for that season, take extra notes on top of those observations, and then formulate all of those notes and thoughts into a cohesive recollection of the season at hand.

And I fucking hated doing that. I really did. Not because I don't like recalling opinions and maybe forming new ones, but because it was so much work to essentially just draw out things I had already said. So I'm taking a new approach to it this year; retrospectives are coming back. But they're going to be shorter, and I'll be going solely off of my own personal memories of the season. Trying to force myself to remember anything notable without having to spoon-feed myself. Hopefully these shorter retrospectives will provide a better springboard for discussion instead of just having you all agree/disagree with something I've said.

Now the next change is going to be a lot harder for me. The reviews have always been presented in a list format of random thoughts, which I like because it's a lot easier for me to do in real time, it allows for a better flow of humor, and I feel it's easier for you all to follow. But sometimes I feel it's lacking a better narrative, and with a better episode-by-episode narrative, retrospectives and discussions may flow easier.

So I'm experimenting with new ways of formatting episode reviews instead of just lists of thoughts. I'm trying hard to maintain a decent level of humor along with adding in legitimate thoughts, observations, and complaints in a much more cohesive fashion. Since this is a much more time consuming process than changing retrospectives, it might not come into play until RPM, or even Sentai after that.

Also, final thought segments on individual episodes are coming back. I haven't done those in quite a long time.

If you guys end up not liking these changes when they occur, I'll switch back. I have no problem with that. I just thought that after a year, it might be a nice change of pace to not keep things so uniform all the time. So I guess we'll see where this all goes!

Thank you all for following with me for so long, and I'll see you soon.
- Jared

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